Camp Addict Shares RVing Knowledge 

Finding trustworthy RVing information is hard. Camp Addict makes it easy by providing accurate, easy to understand articles and product reviews to help the RVing newbie become a successful camper.

We Were Newbies Once

The CampAddict Team started RV'ing back in 2014. Before that, none of us had owned an RV. We were newbies. We had lots of questions. We didn't know who to trust.

We've Camped A Lot Since

Since 2014, our team has spent over 5000 nights RV living. From the time we hit the road, we immersed ourselves in RV living. In 2017, Camp Addict was founded to share our love of RVing.

We're Becoming RV Experts

While we don't know everything about recreational vehicles, we've learned a bunch having lived in them for thousands of days. The CampAddict Team loves sharing our RV knowledge, but we also aren't afraid to admit when we don't know something.

The Origin Of Camp Addict

Back in 2016, as a full-time RVer, our founders were frustrated with the lack of comprehensive and reliable information available online when it came to RV products and services. 

Forums, blogs, and YouTube provided some helpful tidbits, but often required exhaustive and fruitless searches to find answers.

It was only after partnering together and sharing experiences that they were able to access the expertise and guidance needed to successfully live the full-time RV lifestyle.

That frustration and need for a more comprehensive resource led to the creation of Camp Addict, a go-to destination for all things RVing.

Camp Addict co-founders Kelly and Marshall mountains

 Original Camp Addict Co-Founders Marshall Wendler and Kelly Beasley

Our founders skills in technical fields, including helicopter mechanics, was always a valuable resource for troubleshooting and fixing issues with our rigs.

We recognized that not everyone has access to this level of expertise, and that many RVers struggle to find reliable and accurate information about the RVing lifestyle.

This inspired the creation of Camp Addict, a website dedicated to providing comprehensive and easy-to-understand content about recreational vehicles and the RVing lifestyle.

Since launching in 2017, the Camp Addict's mission has been to help others learn about and make the most of this fulfilling lifestyle.

Whether you're a seasoned pro or a newcomer to RVing, Camp Addict has the information you need to succeed.

The Next Chapter in RV'ing for

In April of 2024, Schwalm Inc purchased Schwalm Inc started as an OEM RV Parts Distributor over 45 years ago. Today they manage several RV Brands and online properties, continuing the carry the torch and passion for RV'ing. For Camp Addict, our founders are looking to explore a new frontier in their own lives. So the Camp Addict team is growing and investing considerably into the site to help get our content, tools, and resources in front of even more people. 

The CampAddict Team

Schwalm Inc is located in sunny Southern California in a suburb of San Diego, called Poway. Our little team has decades of RV experience, from replacement parts for RV's, RV Water Filtration and now to wonderful online resource for camping beginners. 

Involvement In The RV Community

Beyond Camp Addict, we make appearances throughout the RVing community in order to share our love of RVing and some of the lessons we've learned. Below are some of the RV related websites, publications, and events where we've appeared:

What People Are Saying About Camp Addict

Newbies should really pay attention

"Where were you 30 years ago when we first started full time RVing? Your awesome videos would have saved us hundreds of dollars, a bad back and countless WHOOPS at the dump station. Newbies should really pay attention."



I could have probably saved 3 months of research

"Your article listing quality brands should be mandatory reading for anyone looking to buy an camper. The article describing the market share of the key players and how the different brands are related is also very eye opening. If I had had just these two articles I could have probably saved 3 months of research."



I was so confused

"This article (and really entire website) has been a godsend for me. I was so confused on all of these, but was able to make some great decisions based on this information that will help my family when we go full-time next month! Thank you."



How Camp Addict Makes Money

While we love creating the best RVing content to help you learn about this great lifestyle, it takes up a huge amount of time for us. It is our full-time job (and more!).

In order to keep generating the kind of content that will help you now and in the future, we have setup a few ways to be compensated.

We touch on this briefly below. You can view our complete disclosure page to read about this in great detail.

There are two ways Camp Addict makes money - through advertising and affiliate commissions:

Advertising: This revenue source is pretty straightforward. We have a limited number of display ads on pages for which we receive compensation. We try to have a balance of not too many ads so that they aren't not overly intrusive, while having enough to generate sufficient revenue so we can keep creating awesome content.

Affiliate Commissions: This is a revenue source that you may or may not be familiar with. Simply put, we receive a small commission if you purchase anything on Amazon (and a few other retail websites) after going there through one of our links. For example, if you purchase a product from Amazon after clicking on a "Buy on Amazon" link on one of our pages, we will receive a very small percentage of the purchase amount that would otherwise go to Amazon.

You are never paying more for an item if you purchase it via a link on Camp Addict. In fact, in the case of some items, you get exclusive discounts!

If you use our discount coupon, you are paying less than if you went directly to a website to make the purchase.

We would rather feature a product that we feel is the best of its kind and not receive a commission for promoting it (and we indeed do this), than promote something just for the sake of making money. 

Camp Addict is here for the long run and it's very important to us that we maintain your trust.

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