Is Full Time RVing The Right Lifestyle For You?

You are probably wondering, since you clicked on this article, what it is like to live in an RV full time as your only residence.

You're trying to find out if it's right for you.

This article should help.

But- I hate to tell you this, I can't answer the question for you.

You're probably smart enough to know that you have to do your research and then figure it out for yourself.

However, I CAN try to help you by letting you in on what my experience has been and what I have seen or heard happen to other full time RVers on the road.

Kelly about to launch, holding dogs

Could this be you someday?

Personally, I think it’s awesome! It’s challenging. It’s fun. It makes life a little juicier.

My 2-year nomadiversary was a few days ago. (Been full time since May of 2015.)

Of course, full time RV life is not without its issues. There's still the mundane tasks of everyday 'normal' life.

There’s no escaping certain chores, no matter how you choose to live. There are also going to be new challenges to be had.

Let’s take a look at some of the challenges that might dissuade you from living as a full time RVer.

It's Not All Sunsets and Hikes

'Life' doesn't stop because you live full time in an RV. You're still going to have to do stuff you don't want to do.  

Of course, you still have to do chores like run errands, pay bills, make dinner, and clean 'house'. You know, everyday life stuff. 

RV life CAN make doing these chores a little more exciting and a little harder all at the same time.

In my opinion, it's mostly more exciting. However, my idea of exciting may NOT be your idea of exciting.

Let me explain a few of the ways it's more exciting IMHO that you may agree with.

No More Boring Every Day Same Old Routines-If You Stay On The Move

Putting gas in car

I live in my RV full time AND I only boondock.

When you boondock on public lands, there is always a time limit for how long you can stay.

Usually, it's somewhere around 2 weeks. Therefore, I move to a new area that often, unless circumstances allow for staying longer.

It works for me because I love keeping my scenery fresh.

Also, doing errands is more exciting because I'm not going to the same old grocery store, seeing the same old people, the same gas station, the same route to get there every day, etc.

That, for me, is a big part of what keeps me happier living this way than when I lived in the same neighborhood for years at a time.

It might not be the same for you.

Grocery store produce

You may find it a pain in the butt to constantly have to find new gas stations, water supplies, dump stations, and grocery stores every few weeks.

You should be aware of your own comfort level in this regard before you decide how you want to live.

Should I Move Regularly Or Stay Put For Extended Periods?

Before I lived in an RV, things always felt fresh and new when I moved from one place to another. Now I get to do it WAY more often than I ever have.

I find that it invigorates my spirit. Your experience may not be the same.

Change might make you anxious. In that case, you may prefer to full time RV but to stay mostly stationary in a park or the like.

You might crave the familiarity of knowing where the nearest gas station is, or who your neighbors are. If that's the case you may choose to not move very often.

The awesome part of it is that you have that option when your home is on wheels.

Deciding on whether to move a lot, to boondock, or to stay in campgrounds depends on your comfort levels. 

Honestly, you may not know what you desire until you get out there and try it.  Be aware that campground life may be 'easier' if you have full utilities as in sewer, water, and electricity.

That's great. However, it will cost you $$ for those things. You will also have to hear and deal with neighbors, barking dogs, cramped parking spaces, and more.  

You will also be missing out on the greatest part of living on wheels. (Seeing the country.)

On the other hand, if you choose to boondock and live rent-free, you will have a lot to consider (and more work to do) to be able to have the freedom to roam.

Boondocking Klondike Bluff Road Moab

Parking in places like this is free. However, you have to get your water tanks filled and your black and grey tanks emptied before you come. Not to mention groceries and gas for your generator if you have one.

How will you earn money? How will you choose where to go? Will you need good cell reception for the internet? Are you going to have solar for power or a camper generator?

How will you find water and sewer dumps?

It's a little more like caveman living. You will have to 'hunt' for these things!

The good news is boondocking is almost always free, you get way better views than in a campground, and you have much more privacy and peace and quiet.

This may be a major factor in your decision. It can make or break living the lifestyle for some.

Think about if you are the type of person who likes these types of challenges of if you prefer a more 'luxe' lifestyle.

If you're 'luxe', you may be a campground/stick in one spot kind of person. Also, keep in mind that the more expensive campgrounds are going to be the nicer ones.

If you want 'luxe', you will be paying a very high price for it.

The idea of boondocking on public land is scary sounding to most people at first, but it's safer than living in a campground.

Criminals don't drive for miles to see if they can find a needle in a haystack RV to steal from or to do harm to. It's way too much work.

For example, in a campground, no way am I leaving my portable solar power system out if I leave.

Solar panels

 Public land where we are pretty isolated? Sure! 

The people out on public land are usually there to camp and have fun. Nothing more. Still, the idea might take a little getting used to. 

What Don't I Miss About Living In A Sticks And Bricks?

I'm not exactly sure what you will miss, but I can tell you what I don't miss and maybe you will relate.

Things I Don't Miss About Living Stationary

  • My nasty neighbors. (Yes, I had some)
  • The same old same old scene when driving in and out.
  • The homeowners association.
  • How much it cost to cool and heat.
  • The 1,060 square feet, most of which I didn't use or only walked through to get where I needed to go.
  • My neighbors making noise.
  • Neighborhood dogs barking.
  • How routine and mundane life could get by being stationary for so long.
  • How long it took to clean the house.
  • I don't miss ANY of the stuff I got rid of.

Since RVs are smaller than pretty much all houses, most things are easier to do in an RV. There is less that can go wrong.

If it does go wrong, it is typically going to cost less than to fix in a house! I don't have to focus the majority of my time 'hobbying' on housework or gardening anymore. 

I have no yard to maintain now.  I did enjoy manicuring my yard in Florida for years and years.

More recently, it became more of a chore than fun.

(Plus the dang Florida mosquitos, biting ants, stinging wasps, heat, and humidity, etc, finally got to me.)

No more yard work for me!! Now, my 'backyard' view changes when I want it to. Currently, my backyard is the Grand Teton National Park.

Why live in an RV full time?

If this photo doesn't jolt you into wanting to have the adventure, beauty, and photo ops that a house on wheels can provide you, I don't know what will.

Grand Tetons reflections Schwabacher Landing

What Do I Miss About Living In A Sticks And Bricks?

Hmmmm. It took me a while to come up with any personal examples for you, but here the ones I managed to conjure up:

  • I miss springtime yard work. (ONLY the springtime)
  • I miss some of the people I left behind. But, I am on wheels, right? I can go and visit them whenever it works for me.
kelly with friends

I miss people like this!

  • Ok, maybe I miss long hot showers as well. But really, I am very happy with my Oxygenics shower head. I can't just sit and let the water stay on during the whole shower, but I've adapted.

So, other than those things (and I struggled to find those things to put on this list), there is nothing else.

Personally, I love this lifestyle. You may miss more, you may miss less. Just try to touch base with what you value  in life.

The things I thought I valued changed dramatically when I started this life. There were things I had dragged around for DECADES from house to house but never used.

They are gone now, and I don't miss them.

Not. At. All.

What Might Keep You From Full Time RVing?

Well, I am not you.

Therefore, I can't speak for all situations, but I have had friends on the road who have stopped traveling for various reasons.

I will share some of them with you here. I've also thought up reasons you may not be able do it all by yourself.

You may find that you relate to some of these. Not that I want you to reconsider. I think full time RVing is great!

But you might not have thought of some of these things.


I know families who are perfectly happy on the road and who intend to continue living this way.

However, I know a few families who have gotten 'off the road' in the two years I have been living this way.

One family had very young kids (3). They were being homeschooled. 

They were seeing the country and the inside of their classroom had views that could kill.

After a few years, the kids stopped liking the adventure and newness of the lifestyle and longed for friends as well as rooms of their own. They quit the road and bought a house.

Kids getting on school bus

Some kids crave this

Another family had a son reaching high school age and the kid decided he wanted to have a 'normal' high-school experience, so they are going to live in a regular house until he graduates.

These are valid reasons... everyone wants their kids to be happy.

On the other hand, I know another family with two boys who have been on the road for 4 years and going strong.

They love it and aren't looking back. Lots of families live happily in RVs full-time.

(Finding the best camper to live in.)


Sure, boondocking on the road, especially solo, can be hard. Even the biggest introvert may find it difficult to maintain a social life.

If you're not in campgrounds, you generally aren't around people who are wanting to interact with the others boondocking around them.

There's nothing 'mean' about this, it's just that most people who are boondocking are usually doing it for the serenity and the peace and quiet.

If you want a lot of interaction, it's best to stay in campgrounds or to find a caravan partner.

kelly sitting looking at arches national park

I know a young couple who tried full-timing for about a year(?)- and they were fighting loneliness.  Finally, it became too much for them and they decided to stop.

They live in Utah now, in a regular house.

As for myself, I am solo, but I met Marshall (Camp Addict Co-Founder) and we were both solo, so we started caravanning and it has worked out very well.

We don't annoy each other. Enough so that we even started a company together! I don't know if I could do this without a caravanning partner.

At least not for the duration. Who knows? Could you?

Think about that before you decide how you want to live in your RV.

Using Instagram To Find New Friends

On a side note, I have met more people on the road than I had newly met living in my old neighborhood MANY times over using Instagram.

This app can really help you  find your community.

Full-time RVing is like a big RV club, really.

Everyone instantly has something in common and most of the people doing it are very nice, down to earth people.

We had a ball both times.

Live Small Ride Free Instameet

Instameet with @LiveSmallRideFree

Instameet with Live No Filter

Instameet with @LiveNoFilter

Instagram can be a big help in finding your tribe.

Start following people who live the same way you do and use relevant hashtags for your photos so people can find you as well.

Some hashtag examples are: #VanLife #FullTimeRV #Nomadic #Rver #TravelTrailerlife #FifthWheelLife #Escapees... you can also use travel hashtags to get followers and to find people.

Especially local tags.

If you are in Yellowstone, hashtag your photos with #yellowstone.

Look for others who are using the same hashtag.

They should be close by and may happily want to meet up.

Money Worries

Well, here's a big one. Unless you are retired with a steady income, you may need to still work.

Maybe you've have had the same job for years, and you're waiting to get your pension, etc, so you don't think you can leave.

I had a job with pretty good benefits and good pay. That kept me there for TWELVE years.

Talk about stagnant! I thought I pretty much couldn't live without that pay and those benefits. Turns out I could.

Office workers sitting at cubicle

Thinking you can't 'live' unless you get paid by a job like this? We bet you can. Get creative!

Well, thanks to buying my home at a low in the market, I can ALMOST live off of the rental income from it.

That helped me decide to rent it and get an RV to live in. When I launched, I also had an online side job doing customer support.

A year in or so, I lost that job, got another online job through, then quit it to build websites with my new RVing full time friend, Marshall.

 So, did I plan or know that this would all happen after I quit my 12-year job? Nope. But I am a big believer in making things work.

And they have. There are also jobs you can get while on the road.

Check out:

You could also opt to live and work in the same town if you don't plan on moving around. If you already have an online job, as long as you have connectivity you are set!

So things are do-able if you want it to work.

If you can't fathom leaving your cushy job and big house and benefits, well, bummer. You're missing out on a lot of experience and adventure!

You almost always can do it if you REALLY want to make it happen. You might have to learn a new skill set.


This continues to be a challenging part of full time RVing.

There aren't many plans left that allow you to get in-network care in all 50 states.

Nationwide insurance networks are disappearing and don't seem to be coming back.

Doctor writing with stethoscope

If you stay in your home state and don't intend to leave or to leave for long periods of time, then it's a non-issue.

If you DO intend to travel full time then you may have some issues.

If you need to get regular medications from the pharmacy, but need to visit your doctor every few months or so for checkups for that medication, finding a new doctor in a new location to do so can be a huge challenge.

Options for healthcare include going to urgent care clinics, using medical sharing programs, getting a nationwide PPO, going to a different country (LOL!) or concierge physician networks.

If you can't make it work and your health is not good, it may not be in your cards.

The Need For Familiarity

This can be frustrating if you have certain special needs or just like to know where to find basic necessities.

If you need to find gluten-free restaurants or access to certain goods that aren't available in every town, or even if you have something shipped to you on a monthly basis and have to change the address every single time, those things will be a HUGE pain.

You will have to find new hairdressers for every hair cut if you want to keep moving, a new dentist, etc. All of this is doable. It just takes more work when you are constantly moving.

Getting haircut

Could you deal with a new hairdresser EVERY time you need a cut?

If you are an 'agenda man' like my dad is, then this lifestyle wouldn't work for you unless you stay put forever in an RV park. But then, why live with wheels under your butt?


The weather is something that you will have to chase, ESPECIALLY if you are planning on boondocking, or going without full hook-ups. 

RVs are not made like houses. There is very little and/or thin insulation in most of them.

Unless you have a generator (or solar) capable of running your air conditioner, you may need to stay where it's comfortable, especially if you have pets.

On the flip side is cold and snow.

Frozen pipes aren't uncommon in areas that dip below freezing. In addition to that, driving an RV on snowy and icy roads is less than desirable.

slingshot trailer in snow

I got stuck trying to pull out of here. (With my 2-wheel drive truck.) Pipes froze. Not fun.

Even 'four-season' rigs tend to need additional skirting and other preparations in extreme conditions.

If you want to live somewhere like Montana year-round in your RV, be sure to make special modifications for the winter.

If you are not willing to do these things to stay comfortable, you may want to reconsider full time RVing.

Otherwise, life is going to get VERY uncomfortable!

Finding A Life Balance

If you work online, it can be a struggle to make yourself do the work you need to get done.

With beautiful views all around and the trails beckoning you, the temptation to simply enjoy your surroundings can get the best of you.

You will need to be on the ball about splitting up your work time with your playtime.

However, you will definitely (if you boondock) have some of the best work views out of anyone you know!

If you know you cannot work on a schedule on your own outside of an office, we are so sorry. You should reconsider this lifestyle.

You Don't Have To Do It Forever

You can stop full time RV life if you don't like it or simply get your fill. And some people go full time 'part-time' out of need (not enough funds to go forever).

Some just do it as an experiment or a chapter in their lives. Whatever you choose to do is fine.

Just do what you want to do.

I hope you get out of it what you want. Better to try it and have it as a memory than to choose not to do it out of fear.

People rarely regret what do, they usually regret what they didn't do.


Now get out there and start planning if you think the life is right for you!  Check out full timer blogs... read up on Camp Addict... talk to people who are already doing it.

You can't plan every detail before you just DO it. Just try it and everything will eventually fall into place!

Fifth Wheel and Saguaro

Wait, you're still wondering what full time RVing is like? You know what?

You will never really know your journey until you try it for yourself. A lot of the time it doesn't end up looking like you had imagined in your mind.

I didn't know I would end up only boondocking. Figured I would be in campgrounds at least some of the time.

Yes, you're going to make mistakes. Don't worry about it. You will live and learn from it. You can always rent an RV first if you're not sure.

It's expensive but it's way cheaper than selling everything, including your house, only to find you hate the small space or whatnot.

Just stop with the analysis paralysis (if that's what you are doing) and start making steps if this looks like the right life for you.

Comment below if you have questions or a different take on this subject from your own experience.

Camp on, Addicts!

Kelly Headshot

Kelly was a co-founder of and ran the business until April of 2024 when she sold the business to Schwalm Inc. For over 7 years she fully immersed herself in the RV lifestyle, particularly enjoying boondocking. In December 2020, she transitioned into a #vanlife setup. Her goal was to empower others to embrace RVing confidently, equipped with the knowledge for unforgettable adventures. She believed RV knowledge enhanced that freedom and flexibility of the open road. 

  • I just found your blog after considering RV life over the 750 sq ft apartments for $1300/mo.
    My biggest concern is going to be the internet as I am a remote worker. Also, I have a pitbull so I have to consider where. I am just at the start of my search but I have literally always wanted to go tiny and already being a minimalist and a half (lol) I think I am ready.

    • Hi Kristen,

      You are (if you do) going into nomadic life at the best time in history to do so! There are so many ways you can get internet it should be one of the least of your concerns. You now have satellite internet, multiple cellular wifi options and even public space free wifi at times (which we never rely on).

      We now have Starlink and it works almost no matter what (heavy rain usually puts a temporary stop to service). We also have very old grandfathered in ATT ‘Mobley’ service that’s super cheap. We also have the ability to tether off of our cell phones.

      If you have hugs data consumption, you’ll likely need one of the more expensive plans, but if you’re like us and don’t consume a GREAT bit, you might do fine with a mobile hotspot and a pretty affordable plan.

      Good luck with your decision!

  • Kelly, thank you for this, and all of your articles (Marshall, also). We began full-timing September 2020. It was during our first week that we received a phone call necessitating our return home. Our family needed us, so home we went. It is a good thing we hadn’t sold our house. The same thing could have happened if we had been in our seventh year of full-time. You never know what the day will bring. We’ll get back out there. No rush.

    I am a person who has a need for familiarity, but the need is easily met with our 19′ Airstream. It’s plenty big for us, we like one another, 44 years of liking one another. I like our bed. It’s familiar. I like our dinette. It’s familiar as I sit and look at new views. Okay, I even like our porcelain toilet. It’s ours and nobody else’s. I like my wife’s cooking. Which reminds me, what I love about going out and boondocking is how my body returns, quickly, to the natural cycle of nature. I sleep when the sun goes down. I wake up when the chorus of birds begin their singing. And I eat when I’m hungry. So, in the wild, I have three ways of measuring time: morning, night, and I’m hungry. Simple. A good way to live.

    Anyway, I have 19′ of familiarity, and that gives me all the comfort I need, no matter where we are.

    • Hey J,

      Man oh man… you’re so right. ANYTHING can happen at any time. This is why I believe it’s best not to wait for ‘the right time’ for ANYTHING.

      We hope you are able to get back out ASAP. And we hope your family is doing ok now after them needing you.

      And I love that you love your Airstream! It’s wonderful to love your space. And your wife, lol!! You have home right outside or beside you, no matter where you are. And that is priceless.


  • Hi, we have been fulltimers for 2 years. We like RV parks because we like being around people,we don’t want to be camping. Last year my husband had an accident, he fell down our stairs and tore his quadricep tendon and had to have emergency surgery and we had to move to his brothers house in Vegas for 5 months so he could have PT.
    I am now buying a condo in a 55 and over community so we have a home base near the VA ,the beach and friends and family. We will still RV ,but not fulltime. When something like that happens your perspective changes. I need home base security.

    • Hi Rhonda,

      We totally get it- we have had some friends who had a very similar medical issue happen, and because of it, they got off the road. Needed a home base and got one.

      I full-time TRAVELED (moving once about every two weeks or less) for almost 6 years. This got tiring after that long- that was a part of my reasoning not to full-time anymore. Everyone has to review their own situations and make their own choices about it. Glad you figured yours out, and hopefully you can/will still RV!

      Most of all, thank you for taking the time to comment! 💕

  • I’m wondering about the safety of boondocking. Still a little nervous about that. How do you know where boondocking is allowed?

    • Hey Kelly,

      Boondocking. Our favorite way to camp. In fact, it’s what both Kelly and I do the vast majority of the time.

      There isn’t anything to fear when it comes to boondocking, but we totally get why you might have some questions about it. I certainly did before I had my first boondocking experience.

      You should check out our RV Boondocking Articles.

      Hope that helps! Our best advice is just to get out there and do it. You’ll see that there isn’t anything to fear. 🙂

  • When we first hit the road full time, we expected to do it for a year. Now, we’re nearly two years in and no closer to getting “off” the road than we were in month one. It’s a little addictive! I had a friend about a year ago that was a full time RVer who decided to move into a regular sticks and bricks home and it’s true-I felt a tiny bit betrayed. I’m nervous for disappointing some of our friends when we make that change eventually.

    • Hi Sasha,

      Funny you should mention that. I am also looking for a bit of a home base. And it does feel weird- I almost feel like I will be betraying those who, I suppose, figured I would be on the road till I died. LOL!

      In reality, even if anyone does care, they will get over it quickly.

      I don’t want to stay put for long periods of time necessarily, it would just be nice to start investing in real estate again and also to have a place to land if I feel like it for a bit.

      Winters get old- you’re forced to the same places every year while during the summer, you have the entire west to explore! So, why not have a project in winter and not have to move every two weeks? (If you boondock full-time like I do)

      That’s the plan. I hope you also get it figured out. The life is super fun though, isn’t it?? ????

    • Hi Jennifer,

      We use cellular hotspots that use a cell data plan. We then connect our computers, phones, and other internet ‘using’ devices to these hotspots via WiFi.

      This is the same basic setup that the vast majority of people working/living on the road use.

      You obviously have to be boondocking in an area with usable cell service for the carrier(s) that you have a data plan with. There is A LOT of this country, especially out West where the good boondocking is, that doesn’t have usable cell coverage.

      The best resource to learn about how to stay connected while on the road is the Mobile Internet Resource Center.

  • This was very helpful! I have been seriously thinking about RVing fulltime. Been looking at class B motor homes . I am single and have a mini doxie. I work from home. I have an amazing flexible job. As a matter of fact my boss encourages the traveling lifestyle. Im blessed. Maybe someday I might meet you on the road! ^_^ . Thank you so much! ~ Angela

    • Hi Angela,

      That sounds like the perfect storm for you to hit the road! If not full-time then at least part-time. Having that flexible job is amazing.

      If your boss encourages it, we say go for it! Maybe we will se you out here!

  • I am a widow and am seriously considering living in a RV full time. I show dogs and it would be fun to be able to travel and meet others who share the same passion. What is the average monthly cost of living in an RV full time?
    Thank U

    • Hi Kathleen,

      That sounds fun! And as for your answer, you probably know what I am going to say. “It depends”.

      It can be more expensive than renting and it can be less. Most of your regular bills will stay the same. You simply won’t have rent or morgtage (unless you keep a house), but you will likely have campground fees, propane fees, gas costs, RV insurance, a note on the RV if you finance it, and a few dump station fees if you are dry camping.

      I really cannot answer the question. However, YOU control your costs… especially how much you spend on campgrounds, and how expensive of an RV you purchase. So, you can buy a class a for $250K new, or you can get a travel trailer used for $8K. You can choose to live in a fancy campground that costs $1,200 a month, or find one that costs $400/month. This will be your biggest expense.

      You can spend half the time boondocking for free… again, it all will depend on your choices.

      So, I can’t say there’s an average. There’s not. I still pay for health insurance, cell phone, groceries, dog food, vet bills, doctor bills, Netflix, etc. I pay no campground fees because of the way I choose to camp. I have Progressive RV insurance through USAA. It’s not very much.

      Simply decide what bills you will still have while living full-time, add them up, then decide how much you can afford on top of that and that will determine what kind of RV you get and how much you can afford in campground fees, etc.

      Good luck with it all!

  • Thank-you for this info on things to consider when thinking about being a full-time RV’er. I’m just beginning to research & learn about life on the road so your article was helpful.

    • Hi Janet,

      You are very welcome. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask here in the comments. We will let you know if we can help. : )

  • Thank you we are planning our adventure planning on leaving Fl as soon as states completely open. Looking forward to more articles

    • Hi Billie,

      Thank you, glad you enjoyed the information here. Have a great time and be safe in your travels!

  • I found your article very helpful. My wife and I are planning on going full time here in the next few months. We have the camper, the truck and slowly buying what we need and paying some bills off. I am retired and she will retire early. I am thinking of some freelance writing on the road. I use to be a reporter for a small news paper where we live and I have a degree in journalism and multimedia. Thank You for what you are doing helping us beginners out.

    • Hi RJ,

      That sounds exciting, we are happy we could help you along the way. It’s a big country. No better way to explore it than a very long road trip in an RV!

      Happy trails!

  • I would love to read more about the financial challenges. What to expect in monthly costs, gas, etc. of nomadic life. Thanks for a great post!

    • Hi Cheryl,

      Thanks for the nice compliment! We might get into that in a post coming up soon. Keep checking back! We are adding a lot more to the blog section with content teaching about things like costs, etc.

      Thank you for being a reader!

  • So glad I saw and read this article. We have a plan of selling our home in a 55 and over park in Fl
    And trading our TT in on a class A and going full-time.

    • Hi Kenneth,

      Great to hear you got something from this. Good luck with the sale and new lifestyle. We don’t know your timeline, but we would caution you do jump in right NOW though, with all that is going on. So many campgrounds are closed and friends of ours are having a really hard time finding places to hunker down, to dump, etc.

      Your timeline is probably well past this Covid crisis, so when that happens, enjoy!

  • Enjoyed the articles. I came across this article while I was researching RVing full time. What are the best resources and/or sites you would recommend for a couple first timers looking at RVing full time, still in the researching stage of what type of travel trailer or fifth wheel and all the logics.

    • Hey Jennifer,

      To answer your question, funny enough, we would recommend this site called Camp Addict! LOL!

      Check our our Ultimate Guide to RV Types post to learn about the different types of RVs out there.

      Also check out our Best RV Brands post to get an idea of what manufacturers you should be looking at.

      Other than that, poke around the site. Read the blog posts. Soak in the knowledge.

      I know that researching RVing can be overwhelming, but the more you read, the easier it gets (hopefully!).

  • What an awesome article! Very well said and so much info covered. I think you explained everything there is to explain. Lol. We’ve been fulltime since December after selling our house and we are so so happy. Like you said, life is not all sunsets and hiking but more than if you live(are stuck) in the same old sticks and bricks forever. We’ve been planning on this for years and wish we could have done it sooner. Until recently there just hasn’t been enough info like yours on the RV life. I’m excited that more and more people are now finding people and resources to give them the confidence to just go for it. Thanks for your article. Pam ????✌

    • Hi Pamela,

      Full-time since December? Awesome! Isn’t it fun? It’s liberating, that’s for sure. Just like you said, it’s more adventurous than staying in the same place forever. We sure love it though it has its challenges.

      But everything in life has its own challenges. So there’s that. Happy travels to you and we’re glad you found Camp Addict!

  • Thank you so much for that insight. My family is packing and preparing for full time very soon. It should be interesting with 3 teens and 3 dogs. We all want adventure.

  • Planning to start rving full time in the next few months. (Just gotta sell the house first). How can I find placed for boondocking? Is there a website? I wouldn’t wanna just end up on some private property and get shot drinking my morning coffee.

    • Hey Diana,

      We almost exclusively use Campendium to find spots to boondock. They have the ability to filter by ‘free’ so that you can find free places to camp.

  • I’m happy to have stumbled upon this post! I am a recently divorced woman with 2 teenage children who will be with me. I have been very nervous about how they will handle this change in life. I myself am sooooo excited!!! I plan to buy a travel trailer in a month and a half as well as a truck to tow it with. My hope is that having a 2 1/2 to 3 months timeframe will be enough to get used to it. Towing and parking etc. As well as upgrade what my need to be upgraded and figuring out space for my kids. I am glad that you reinforced the fact that I don’t have to do it forever if I can’t or don’t want to anymore. Thank you!

    • Congratulations, Amanda!

      Sounds like you have an adventure coming up. And yes, you can always reverse course and stop doing it. It’s an adventure, not a sentence. : )

      There are full-time families out there and there’s even a club of them. Might want to join that if you are looking for other families on the road. Have fun!

    • Hi Dana,

      Great! We are happy you found the article and feel like it’s right for you to hit the road! We can’t recommend it enough! ????

  • Just starting my research. I am a 68 year old healthy single woman, retired; living on SS and a pension. My 3 bedroom ranch house is for sale. Going solo with 2 cats is a bit intimidating, but I would regret not trying the RV life. I want to go West and work in National Parks.

    • Hi Linda,

      Go for it! WOOT! No regrets, right?

      We only regret the things we DON’T do. Rarely do we regret the things we do try in life.

      You can always change your mind and go back to sticks and bricks life.????

  • Glad I stumbled upon your site.
    I’ve been wondering if this is the life for me since I like scenery changes too.
    My concern is being able to figure out if I’m strong enough to do the basics like change out water tanks, figure out hookups etc.
    I’m thinking about renting an RV to test it all out.
    Thank you for your article.
    Happy wandering!

    • Hi Lynn,

      Renting out an RV for a bit is a fantastic idea. This way you can figure out what style of RV will suit you best. As far as RV types, there is a lot of work that goes into hitching up and disconnecting a travel trailer. I can’t speak for fifth wheels as I have never hooked one up. But a motorhome is going to be a little easier physically since there is no hitching up, etc. Getting a motorhome that has self-levelers will also decrease your physical ‘chores’ on travel days. But yes, getting out there and trying it first will pretty much let you see what will work best for you!

      If it’s something that speaks to you, you should go for it!

      Happy camping!

    • Where can I go to connect with like-minded christian straight retired ladies about future travels, tips, safety? Leigh H.

      • Hi Leigh,

        Escapees may be able to help. They have BOF groups (birds of a feather) and they do have a christian fellowship BOF. (

        They likely have a Facebook group as well, but as with most organizations, to join, you must be a member.

        A quick search for ‘RV Christians’ in Facebook came up with a few groups, but none I saw specifically just for ladies. These two options should put you off to a good start.

        Good luck with it all!

  • We are currently awaiting our Skoolie RV & hope to start soon. When my wife & sister in law first talked about, my first thought was “Are you crazy”? But in less than 24 hours, I was on board with the idea. Grands are in Idaho; my brothers are in Tennessee & Georgia. We can’t afford to see them all without “Mobile” living conditions.

    • YASSSSS! I love to hear this! Being on wheels totally makes travel WAY more affordable. Especially if they have room for you to park your RV at their place. No campground fees. PERFECTION!

      Happy to hear you got on board. I am guessing your pocketbook will be happy as well. Enjoy and thank you for the comment!

  • Hello Kelly! Thank you for this wonderful post it was exactly what I needed to read. I have been fantasizing about getting started with full-time RVing for a will. I have lived 10 years in the same park and have watched with envy as the class a RVs roll in and out! As I am paying an exorbitant amount to park monthly the idea of full-time Boondocking is very much intriguing/terrifying. I’m paying $540 per month. Much do you think I can save if I boondocked full time?

    • Hey Melody- You’re most welcome! Glad it has helped. Well, if you boondock full-time, you could save right around $540/month! Sure you will have some gas money and probably propane and dump fees, but I pay zero most of the time for camping. Boondocking- nothing to be terrified of. People are nice, at least out west, and there are so many places to get information about the boondocking spots, that you can find out a lot of information about where you are looking to park. Just get out there and do it and Camp on, Melody!

  • Good article! I’ve been out here a little over three and a half years now, solo, and boondock about 98% of the time. And I love it!
    Yesterday I wandered through Fort Rock near Silver Lake, Oregon. Just beautiful!
    Today, I’m going to go walk the Crack in the Ground near Christmas Valley, Oregon. And then I think I’ll meander my way towards Paisley and then Lakeview and find some hot springs for a nice soak.
    This lifestyle does take some getting used to, but boy is it worth it!
    Happy trails to all! ????

  • Loaded with good info–thank you!
    I’m very curious about boondocking in national parks, especially Grand Teton (top of my list when I start).
    Do tell! Where????

    • You are most welcome and we are very happy you are enjoying Camp Addict! Try and search with the ‘free’ filter. That’s how we mostly do it. Camp on, Mary!

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